Meeting Rooms

Meetin Room and Facility use

The meeting room and library facility (meeting areas in front of library) are available for public use during regular business hours (See hours of operation).

Groups requsting use of the meeting room or library facility must be of a non-profit nature.

Groups shall be limited to a maximum of 20 persons.

Meetings outside regular businss hours are subject to Board approval.

No fee will be charge for use of the meeing room or library facility provided the areas of use are left in a clean, orderly condition and no damage to library property or materials is noted. If these conditions are not met, the cost of cleaning the areas after use and repair or replacement for damaged library property or materials will be charged to the user.  A donation to the library's general fund would be welcome.

Reservations are to be made through the library staff.  Library activities or functions have priority.  Library staff will advise the user of availability. 

For more on this policy please ask a librarian.